The Renaissance of Campus Spirit: Rediscovering Community in the Virtual University
Warum Unyted?
- Exklusive Inhalte: Zugang zu den neuesten Technologien und Fallstudien aus der Praxis.
- Interaktive Lernmethoden: Live Q&A-Sessions, Diskussionen und praxisnahe Workshops.
- Greifbare Ergebnisse: Verbesserte Effizienz, gesteigerte Profitabilität und erweiterte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.
- Flexibilität: Teilzeit-Format, das sich in den Arbeitsalltag integrieren lässt, plus fortlaufende Unterstützung und Ressourcen.
- Kontinuierliche Aktualisierung: Regelmäßige Updates der Kursinhalte während und nach dem Kurs.
Was Erwartet Sie?
Praxisorientierte Workshops: Arbeiten Sie mit den neuesten Technologien und lernen Sie den optimalen Umgang.
Experten-Unterstützung: Erhalten Sie Unterstützung und Anleitung von unseren Top-Experten.
The digital revolution has brought the university campus into our homes, challenging traditional higher education methods. The pandemic accelerated this shift, highlighting the challenges of online learning, such as the lack of social interaction and engagement. However, it also presented an opportunity to reimagine the concept of the university campus.
Traditionally, universities served as vibrant communities where learning and living coalesced, creating a unique atmosphere impossible to replicate online. Yet, with advances in virtual reality (VR) and 3D environments, the question arises: Are physical campuses necessary?
In the US, universities are experimenting with VR to create “Metaversities,” offering a digital twin of campuses. These efforts aim to merge traditional and digital learning experiences, though challenges such as the discomfort of VR headsets and concerns over data security remain.
Innovative solutions are emerging, such as browser-based virtual campuses that don’t require specialised hardware, making them accessible to a broader audience. These platforms offer immersive experiences, from attending lectures on virtual tropical beaches to participating in group work in digital twins of familiar seminar rooms.
This kind of democratisation of learning motivates the UNYTED team every day to work on an open, secure, and decentralised solution for the virtual campus of the future.
This shift towards virtual learning environments proposes a new form of campus experience, one that transcends physical boundaries and democratises access to education. It’s an exciting time for education, as we explore how to blend the best of both worlds, preserving the community and context of traditional campuses while embracing the flexibility and innovation of digital platforms.
UNYTED Co-founder Gaby K. Slezák is a pioneer of the metaverse from the very beginning and has been advocating for 3D in education and AI-driven tutors for many years: As early as 2007, she operated an initial virtual campus with Moodle integration in the clouds of the 3D world Second Life, and two years ago, for instance, she trained Deutsche Bahn trainers in VR using HTC VIVE headsets in a virtual ICE train.